Contratto flessibile per un’azienda metalmeccanica, Francia
Unità di produzione temporanea di acqua per catene di demineralizzazione.
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La continuità dei vostri impianti è la nostra priorità assoluta! Mantenete il vostro ciclo di produzione ininterrotto durante la manutenzione programmata e la ristrutturazione, grazie a un servizio di pianificazione incentrato sul cliente e adattato alle vostre esigenze.
Il funzionamento continuo del tuo impianto merita la massima attenzione. In ogni fase del processo, siamo pronti ad assisterti per mantenere un ciclo di produzione ininterrotto, anche durante la manutenzione e la ristrutturazione programmata.
Che tu abbia bisogno di migliorare la qualità dell’acqua o di aumentarne la quantità, siamo in grado di superare le tue aspettative. Le tue esigenze sono di estrema importanza per noi e ci impegniamo a garantire un approvviggionamento continuo secondo le tue specifiche.
Con i servizi MWS, puoi usufruire di una moderna flotta di soluzioni mobili e a oltre 25 anni di esperienza nella gestione dell’acqua. Con le nostre soluzioni complete avrai il supporto ideale per raggiungere gli obiettivi di produzione, riducendo al minimo i tempi di inattività e migliorando l’efficienza in vari scenari industriali.
Scoprite come i principali siti operativi stanno beneficiando del nostro servizio di assistenza programmata
Unità di produzione temporanea di acqua per catene di demineralizzazione.
Il cliente si trova di fronte a solidi elevati nel suo sistema di trattamento anaerobico e a un calo dell’efficienza complessiva.
Miglioramento del trattamento delle acque reflue nel rispetto delle più severe normative ambientali.
La soluzione di demineralizzazione mobile soddisfa le esigenze di una centrale elettrica leader nel settore.
Preventative maintenance and refurbishment of your permanent water treatment plant needs to be carried out more frequently without interrupting your production schedule and not during a planned shutdown. A temporary water treatment system may be deployed to either provide the full replacement or partial part of the various processes you may have during this interim need.
Typical applications include resin replacement, pressure vessel maintenance, controls upgrades, reverse osmosis membrane cleaning or replacement, maintenance on chemical dosing equipment and work on waste treatment plants.
During normal operation gas turbines take air into their inlet systems for cooling purposes. Cooling down the turbine to the correct temperature directly affects the efficiency and power output of the plant. During periods of warm weather cooling the inlet air may enable you to generate more power than simply providing air at ambient temperature.
A method to cool the air is to provide treated water which may be sprayed ‘Fogging’ or applied to a medium surface which is wetted ‘Evaporative Cooling’ which the air passes over. Both of these processes reduce the inlet air temperature to the gas turbine and increase the operational efficiency of the plant. A mobile water treatment plant can be provided as and when you require it.
Two shifting is an operational process whereby your power plants operational cycles are short and variable based upon the demand for power. This allows you to operate your plant at peak demands when the price is high, and to shutdown during low power demand periods.
During this cycling process high volumes of treated water may be demanded immediately which may be over and above your plants normal consumption profile. A mobile water treatment system can be provided to ensure you always have the quality and quantity of treated water at all times to assist you here.
For the evaluation of the new water treatment technology, product, and/or a trial of a new or additional production run within your manufacturing environment, a temporary water treatment plant can be used to either provide performance intelligence or fill this short term water need.
This may have an impact on your future investment decisions to provide a permanent water treatment plant or simply help to plan for when you may require a mobile plant from time to time.
In your facility seasonal changes to your feed water quality can cause unforeseen problems in the operational regimes of your permanent water treatment plants. Issues in conductivity increase due to the use of salt on roads in the winter months, or sea water ingress into wells which may cause frequent regenerations and low production cycles for demin plants.
In addition, increases in suspended solids during periods of high rainfall can create the pre-treatment plant to have fouling or failures – such as Total Organic Carbon which can vary during the spring and autumn months due to vegetation producing high levels of humic and fulvic acids. Colloidal silica may also be experienced intermittently. Both these contaminants can affect boiler chemistry as well as affecting your water treatment plant.
Polishing condensate that may have intermittent contamination to allow it to be recovered and reused is usually a high value application for both water and energy savings in a sustainable way.
A mobile water treatment system can be deployed for a variety of applications and used on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. In addition if you are losing condensate outside of the steam cycle you will have to replace this with fresh make-up water which may be expensive.
If you are considering both batch operations/manufacturing or simply during some time periods where you require additional volumes of treated water, a mobile water system is a flexible and adaptable solution that allows you to ‘Pay as you Go’ without incurring the need to invest capital in a permanent plant which may remain idle for long periods of time and not justify its investment.
Changes in the weather during the colder months may create the demand for extra steam to be generated, and hence extra treated water volumes may need to be produced if your installed plant has limited capacity.
This may also be the case if your power plant has the opportunity to run with alternative fuels which may demand additional volumes of water. Providing a mobile plant to fill this ‘what if’ scenario is an effective economic solution.