Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often referred to as “forever chemicals,” have been utilized for decades due to their exceptional resistance to water, oil, and stains. However, these man-made chemicals do not break down in the environment, leading to widespread contamination of soil and water sources. Mounting evidence links PFAS exposure to serious health issues, including cancer, thyroid disease, and weakened immunity in children, raising alarm over their presence in drinking water.

The Rising Tide of PFAS Regulation

As the dangers of PFAS become increasingly evident, global regulatory bodies are stepping up their efforts to limit and treat PFAS contamination. The European Union is advancing plans to ban all non-essential PFAS uses by 2025. Germany has set one of the world’s strictest PFAS limits in drinking water, while the Netherlands aims to phase out PFAS production and use by 2030.

Industries such as chemical manufacturing, metal plating, petroleum refining, and the military face significant challenges due to these evolving regulations. These sectors, already grappling with costly PFAS-related litigation, now face stricter directives to manage ongoing discharges and groundwater contamination, critical for maintaining regulatory compliance and public trust. This regulatory pressure has amplified the demand for effective PFAS treatment solutions.

Innovative Mobile Solutions for PFAS Treatment

As regulations tighten, the need for advanced water treatment technologies has never been more urgent. Enter NSI Mobile Water Solutions (NSI MWS), a division of Nijhuis Saur Industries. Specializing in mobile and adaptable water treatment systems, NSI MWS is at the forefront of helping industries meet stringent PFAS standards.

“Our mobile plug-and-play systems are designed to target specific PFAS compounds and contamination levels,” says Stef de Buck, Sales & Business Development Manager Belgium at NSI Mobile Water Solutions. “We collaborate closely with clients to develop tailored treatment approaches that meet their unique needs.”

Tackle your PFAS challenges head-on. Explore the infographic.

Comprehensive Service Offerings

NSI Mobile Water Solutions offers an extensive range of services, including:

  • Water Sampling and Analysis: Real-time monitoring to ensure treatment performance meets regulatory requirements.
  • Advanced Treatment Technologies: Utilizing granular activated carbon (GAC), ion exchange (IX) resins, and dissolved air flotation (DAF) to remove various PFAS from groundwater, drinking water, and other sources.
  • Pilot Testing Services: Allowing clients to evaluate and optimize treatment solutions on specific waste streams before committing to full-scale investments.
  • End-to-End Solutions: Covering system sizing, equipment provision, installation oversight, operational support, and regulatory compliance assistance.

Real-World Impact: A Case Study

In the Benelux region, a leading water utility provider faced new regulations mandating a reduction in PFAS levels in their drinking water from 100 nanograms per liter to 50 ng/L. NSI MWS responded by deploying a modular system housed in a 20-foot container, equipped with four vessels containing selective resin media. This compact and mobile solution treated a flow rate of 160 m³/h, ensuring compliance with the new standards without disrupting water supply.

PFAS challenges? Contact us to discuss your water treatment project.

Meeting PFAS Challenges Head-On

As global PFAS regulations become more stringent, proactive and proven treatment solutions are essential. The EU’s potential ban on all intentionally added PFAS highlights the extensive impact on industries. NSI Mobile Water Solutions stands out as the ideal partner, offering innovative technologies, rapid deployment, and global expertise.

From pilot testing to full-scale implementation, NSI MWS integrates seamlessly into clients’ operations, providing site-specific strategies tailored to each PFAS contamination profile. As public scrutiny intensifies, NSI Mobile Water Solutions enables companies to meet environmental obligations while maintaining operational continuity.

For any company facing PFAS challenges, the time to partner with a trusted water treatment expert like NSI Mobile Water Solutions is now. Their comprehensive approach ensures compliance without compromising business needs.

For more information, visit us or contact us – or email us at

About the Author

Stef de Buck

Sales & Business Development Manager, Belgium

With 6.5 years in water solutions, I offer technical expertise and strong relationship-building skills. Moving from field service engineer to Sales Manager, I’ve gained comprehensive industry knowledge.

My journey showcases dedication to solving challenges and delivering effective solutions, whether managing projects or nurturing client relationships for success.

Water security poses a significant challenge to industries worldwide, impacting their operations, revenue, and sustainability efforts. With droughts increasing in frequency and severity, reliable water resources are no longer guaranteed. Businesses reliant on water-intensive processes now face the urgent task of securing a sustainable water supply while upholding environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives. In response, industries are increasingly turning to mobile water treatment providers such as NSI Mobile Water Solutions, offering tailored water treatment and wastewater reuse systems to address the specific needs of businesses facing water shortages.

The urgency of water security

According to GWI, at least 69% of the impact of climate change is expressed through the water cycle. Climate change is increasing the intensity of droughts and floods. The value at risk from water-related events is expected to reach $3.1 trillion by 2034. As the prevalence of droughts and floods increases, and regulations relating to industrial discharges become more challenging, water is becoming an increasingly important determinant of corporate profitability.

The ramifications of water scarcity extend beyond mere financial losses; they also involve reputational damage and ethical considerations. Inadequate access to water resources not only hinders production but also jeopardises a company’s ability to meet regulatory standards and fulfil its commitments to sustainability and CSR initiatives. Water sustainability is the only way forward.

Protect your business with a 24/7 treated water solution during water scarcity challenges.

Out-of-the-box solutions to water scarcity

Innovative solutions are imperative to mitigate the impact on industries. NSI Mobile Water Solutions (NSI MWS) of Nijhuis Saur Industries stands as a pragmatic response, providing tailored water, wastewater, and reuse treatment systems designed to address the specific needs of businesses facing water availability issues.

NSI Mobile Water Solutions offers a wide range of services and technologies, ensuring adequate treated water quality and quantity for industries. From emergency provision of temporary water treatment to long-term asset rental, and advanced plug-and-play technologies capable of adapting to diverse feedwater sources—such as towns’ mains, boreholes, rivers, reservoirs, and even wastewater resources—NSI MWS provides scalable and customisable solutions to meet the most pressing demands of industrial operations.

The benefits of NSI Mobile Water Solutions are significant, especially in environments where feedwater sources vary. By enabling industries to effectively treat alternative water sources, NSI MWS helps mitigate the risks associated with fluctuating water availability and declining water quality. Where water resources become scarcer, water quality often deteriorates due to increased pollutant concentration, worsened by saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers. Common applications include treating water with high chloride levels using mobile seawater reverse osmosis assets, as well as managing conductivity levels, suspended solids, elevated microbiological content, high organics, and alternative feed supplies.

Additionally, using advanced polishing treatment methods such as reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration to reuse wastewater, reduces water demand and promotes sustainable business practices by lessening environmental impact. Mobile wastewater reuse is increasingly vital in addressing water scarcity, offering a flexible solution for agricultural irrigation, industrial processes, and environmental rehabilitation. These systems, equipped with filtration and purification methods, also play a crucial role in minimizing the environmental footprint of wastewater discharge, safeguarding freshwater reservoirs, and conserving drinking water.

Conserving drinking water and repurposing wastewater on-site with reuse solution: a real-life example

Real-world case studies highlight the effectiveness of NSI Mobile Water Solutions in addressing the challenges posed by water scarcity in industries. For example, the experience of a major petrochemical player in Germany exemplifies the significant impact of mobile water treatment solutions. Faced with regional water scarcity and regulatory constraints, the refinery implemented a comprehensive water management strategy using temporary treatment assets from NSI MWS. The refinery deployed a tailored treatment system to reduce drinking water consumption and comply with wastewater discharge restrictions. Leveraging mobile technologies, NSI MWS provided a variety of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis assets, enabling efficient treatment of surface water and wastewater reuse. This solution helped the refinery conserve water resources and aligned with the company’s sustainability objectives.

Advancing water security and sustainability

As the global water crisis intensifies, industries must prioritize investment in advanced water treatment technologies to thrive in a water-constrained world. Mobile water and wastewater reuse systems present a proactive solution to address this challenge. With NSI Mobile Water Solutions’ expertise and commitment to water security, industries can navigate the complexities of water scarcity and emerge stronger. Collaborating with NSI Mobile Water Solutions empowers businesses to fortify their resilience against water shortages while advancing their environmental goals.

For more information, visit us or contact one of our experts

About the Author

Pedro Miguel Paixão

Sales & Business Development Manager, Portugal & South of Spain

With over 15 years of experience in multinational companies within the Environmental, Chemicals, and Engineering sectors, Pedro Paixão has extensive expertise in these fields.

He also has 7 years of experience in the water treatment industry, further broadening his background and contributing to the development and growth of NSI Mobile Water Solutions across Portugal and the South of Spain.