ACC-Spülung für Engineering House, Schottland
Umfassende Lösung für ein Filtrations- und Poliersystem mit geschlossenem Kreislauf
Die reibungslose Inbetriebnahme neuer Einrichtungen und Anlagen innerhalb des Zeit- und Kostenrahmens ist für den Erfolg Ihres Projekts äußerst wichtig. Der Geplante Service für Ingenieurbüros von MWS bietet einen kundenzentrierten Ansatz, der dafür sorgt, dass Sie fachkundige Unterstützung und eine dauerhafte Versorgung mit aufbereitetem Wasser erhalten, die sich an Ihren flexiblen Zeitplänen orientiert.
Mit MWS können Sie sich auf ein kosteneffizientes Angebot von modernen Wasser- und Abwasserlösungen verlassen, die die Effizienz und den Ruf Ihres Projekts verbessern, während wir uns um Ihren Wasserbedarf kümmern. Lassen Sie Ihren Erfolg mit MWS an Ihrer Seite problemlos fließen!
Erfahren Sie, welche Vorteile führende Ingenieurbüros von unserem Geplanten Service haben.
Umfassende Lösung für ein Filtrations- und Poliersystem mit geschlossenem Kreislauf
Unterstützung eines Ingenieurbüros mit demineralisiertem Wasser für die Inbetriebnahme einer Anlage.
Einhaltung der Anforderungen an Prozesskapazität, Qualität, Termine und Kosten des Projekts
Unterstützung des Ingenieurbüros bei der Inbetriebnahme der Anlagenerweiterung
To optimise the cleaning of piping networks and to implement this in potentially a fast and chemical free way, the use of a temporary water treated plant may be provided. Treated water is used to flush and rinse all dissolved impurities to drain, leaving pipe work clean from the construction phase.
During a power plant cold start-up additional volumes of make-up water may be required in excess of the capability of the installed plant. This short term requirement, if assisted by the use of a mobile plant, will speed up the start-up phase and take you to full scale operation quickly saving lost hours of production.
A mobile plant is fully adaptable and able to meet most treated water quantities and qualities as desired.
The first fill and flush of a newly installed boiler is important to ensure all the manufacturing debris is removed from the internals of the boiler surfaces and tubes. This cleaning process requires high quality water to ensure all impurities are both flushed away and/or dissolved to allow ease of removal.
This also helps to build protective layers on the boiler surfaces for long term operation. If this process is not carried out correctly it may result in ‘Hot Spots’ being formed over time on the internal heated surfaces of the boilers which could potentially lead to failures and boiler tube ruptures. This can result in costly repair and maintenance work.
After the installation of an air cooled condenser it normally requires flushing with high volumes of demineralised water to remove both the impurities in the system, which could cause hot spots and failures during operation, and also to passivate the internal pipe work surfaces to mitigate corrosion. During flushing the spent water is normally stored, cooled and chemically treated before discharge to a sewer. To optimise the energy used in this process and to reuse this treated water, a temporary water treatment plant may be provided to treat and re-circulate this water.
This is both environmentally responsible, reduces the need for a permanent make- up water treatment plant, ensures the correct cleaning of the condenser for optimal life operation and may result in considerable energy savings and water treatment costs. This process may be carried out when the condenser is running above 80° C and may allow power to be generated and exported during the process. Project timelines may also be reduced due to the time saved during this critical process.
Hydro testing may be both good practice and a statutory obligation for commissioning storage vessels, pipe networks and boiler plant. This is normally carried out at the end of the construction phase. Providing additional volumes of treated water allows for a rapid and fast fill of such equipment to be tested, which may save on site construction days and in many instances can reduce the requirements for the use of chemicals.
Once the integrity of the plant is validated the mobile plant can be either removed from site or can remain and be available for any remedial work or further testing.
During the start-ups and cleaning of power islands additional volumes of demineralised water are required over and above the capacity of the permanent plant due to the requirement to vent high volumes of steam to the atmosphere – Steam Blows.
This process is carried out at high flow rates and velocities to ensure any particulate matter potentially present in the piping networks as a result of the construction phase of the plant are removed preventing any damage which this particulate could potentially cause.
When constructing power islands and associated equipment today you may be required to meet more and more stringent quality requirements of your flushing and filling water. Having the capability to produce low oxygen water on demand is one of these. A low oxygen water treatment plant can be used to polish your treated water to have oxygen levels to less than 20ppb.
A further application may be for the use of bypassing your installed low oxygen production equipment during times of either maintenance, statutory inspections or if you experience operational failure.
If for any reason there is a delay in the delivery and start-up of the permanent water treatment plant, which could delay the project and incur financial penalties, a mobile water treatment plant can be provided to treat the raw water available and produce the desired quality and quantity for any commissioning needs.
This plant could also substitute the permanent water treatment plant to allow the project to go into full scale operations. This may mitigate any delays in meeting your client’s requirements.